Thursday 5 July 2012

Update 05/07/2012

This week, I have been collecting resources that will help me complete not only my essay but also will help me create more innovation for my production piece. As I have still not decided on my title for the essay, being that I have narrowed down the choices to specifically the Horror genre, it means I can somewhat multitask and search for both of my titles.
My research has been mostly searching for theorists that I can discuss and will have already analysed a specific horror film of which I hope to have comparisons to my ideas. I will try and find a theorist that has already analysed some films that I believe to be helpful:
  • Blair Witch Project
  • Paranormal Activity
  • Resident Evil
  • Scream
These films all bare a strong ideological purpose in one of my essay titles and therefore are very important as I will need evidence and therefore case studies.

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