Friday 22 June 2012

Title ideas for essay

With my class, I have gone through a variation of different essay titles and I believe this is essential to finding a specific topic that I enjoy but also that has plenty of relevant information to include. My essay titles are about a topic of which I enjoy/ find interesting, however also one that is innovative and challenging:

'An exploration of the represenation of women in horror films'
Being that women's narrative role in a horror film is usually stereotyped as being a 'princess' like character, I would like to analyse a comparison of this stereotype and one that completely breaks this convention with a masculine/heroic female.

'How is nationality represented in British popular music'
As popular British music is one of my key interests, I think this is an opportunity to analyse how they represent the british nationality.

'An exploration of the Horror genre focusing on its use of realism with reference to...'

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