Thursday 20 September 2012

Blog update 20/09/2012

This week, I have been continuing with my analytical essay which is synoptic to my production piece. I have been storyboarding what we as a group believe to be the narrative however we have all done it from a different perspective so that when we meet as a group, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both. After this we plan to each do another storyboard, using the previous discussion as a guideline.

We are also currently in the process of deciding our actors and locations we will use for the production. This process should be done efficiently to ensure the actors act in the most professional manner and the locations suit the purpose and are conventional.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Update 05/07/2012

This week, I have been collecting resources that will help me complete not only my essay but also will help me create more innovation for my production piece. As I have still not decided on my title for the essay, being that I have narrowed down the choices to specifically the Horror genre, it means I can somewhat multitask and search for both of my titles.
My research has been mostly searching for theorists that I can discuss and will have already analysed a specific horror film of which I hope to have comparisons to my ideas. I will try and find a theorist that has already analysed some films that I believe to be helpful:
  • Blair Witch Project
  • Paranormal Activity
  • Resident Evil
  • Scream
These films all bare a strong ideological purpose in one of my essay titles and therefore are very important as I will need evidence and therefore case studies.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Title Ideas Continued

I have decided that I will focus my essay title research strictly on the horror genre however I will be will be studying my previous horror question on the representation of women but also an exploration of reality in the horror genre. by focusing on horror I can somewhat study the same conventions etc however I will be interpreting it in different ways for the two titles. Therefore when I come to writing my essay, I can chose the title of which I believe is more detailed and elaborate with sources.

Friday 22 June 2012

Title ideas for essay

With my class, I have gone through a variation of different essay titles and I believe this is essential to finding a specific topic that I enjoy but also that has plenty of relevant information to include. My essay titles are about a topic of which I enjoy/ find interesting, however also one that is innovative and challenging:

'An exploration of the represenation of women in horror films'
Being that women's narrative role in a horror film is usually stereotyped as being a 'princess' like character, I would like to analyse a comparison of this stereotype and one that completely breaks this convention with a masculine/heroic female.

'How is nationality represented in British popular music'
As popular British music is one of my key interests, I think this is an opportunity to analyse how they represent the british nationality.

'An exploration of the Horror genre focusing on its use of realism with reference to...'

Wednesday 20 June 2012

First Ideas

This year I have decided that I would specifically like to focus on my main interest in the media and that is Horror films. Being that I have a vast range of knowledge in this area, it will be appropriate that I focus on it to ensure I make a production which I will not only enjoy but also have expertise in.
Although I did the horror genre last year for a film trailer, this year I will either make:

  1. Segment/clip for an upcoming film
  2. Website for an upcoming film
If I were to make a clip for an uncoming film, I would ensure that this clip is conventional of the horror genre, using intertexts such as Halloween and Scream. If I were to make a website, being that I also do ICT, I will be able to make an effective, professional website.